Recipe provided by Chef Crusco Catering in Austin, Texas.
- About 10 Fredericksburg Canned Peaches – cut into 1 inch chunks
- 1 Large Navel Orange – Zest and flesh
- 2 1/2 cups Sugar
- 2 Tbsp. Lemon juice
- Zest the orange, then peel cutting the inside flesh into small pieces.
- Place peaches, zest, oranges, sugar and lemon juice in a large pot. Squish the mixture with a potato masher or better yet use your hands. (leave as chunky or as smooth as you want it).
- Heat mixture to medium high and bring to a boil. Lower heat to about medium and boil on a medium rolling boil for 15-20 minutes (keep stirring to prevent scorching on the bottom).
- Taste and adjust flavors as needed (i.e., add a bit more lemon juice or sugar as you like). The Marmalade is done when it coats and leaves a trail on the back of a spoon.
- Once somewhat cool, pour the marmalade into jars that have been run through the dishwasher or washed in very hot water.
- Cool, then cover tightly and store in the fridge. Use for cakes, pastry and whipped creams, or simply enjoy with some homemade buttery biscuits (pictured)!