What is the process to booking an event?

Created and provide by Chef Crusco Catering in Austin, Texas

How do you find Catering and Chef help for an event?

How do you go about booking your services?

Should we reserve a date first or finalize a menu?

Is it easy and does it require a Deposit?

Too often we hear these questions from inquiring customers. Although we created a solid FAQ page sometimes there are just more questions that customers have. For example, many customers want to know which should be done first – finalizing the date or the menu? We always suggest finalizing the date first and foremost. This locks in the date so no other customers can request it but it also provides the Caterer ample time to plan, schedule staff and execute an unforgettable event. The purpose of this article is to provide customers more insight and a step by step process on how to book Chef Crusco Catering for your event.

First and foremost, we suggest researching professional and well reviewed Private Chef and Catering company’s in the Austin, Texas area. You will find some that offer a wide array of services and others that are very limited. You will also see a variety of pricing reflective of the services offered. We suggest looking over customer reviews so you can see the food served, read what customers say about the food and utimately their overall experience with the company. Another telltale sign of both a company being reputable and experienced is their Press Page. Look and see what articles and notoriety they have received. Furthermore, look and see what local companies TRUST the Catering conpany. This gives you an idea of how established they are and how many companies want to not only do business with them but also promote their services.

We hope that after reading several articles, reviews and press pages you will come to see you are in good hands with Chef Crusco Catering. If so, follow this 5 STEP PROCESS below to book our services:

  1. Go to Chef Crusco Catering’s website and click on Food (from the top headings)
  2. Scroll down (see under Residential Catering) and choose any links from Drop off to Customer Specific
  3. You will land on our Services & Pricing Page – we have 4 services to choose from with price ranges
  4. Scroll to bottom and choose your Service level of choice, then hit next to view and choose your menu items
  5. Follow all the prompts, Review our Terms & Conditions, sign and submit your Event Request Form

Once the Event Request Form is received, we will send you a notification via email. You will then receive a 25% Deposit Invoice (via QuickBooks Online) so we can finalize your reservation. We can then work on tweaking menu needs, dietary restrictions or any other pertinent details related to the event. We look forward to answering any other questions you may have to both earn your trust and make your event nothing but successful!