Recipe created & provided by Chef Crusco Catering in Austin, Texas
- 1 medium size Russet Potato – peeled and grated
- 1/2 Yellow onion – peeled and grated
- 2 cloves garlic – finely minced
- 2 whole eggs
- 4-6 tbsps. AP Flour
- Kosher Salt & Fresh Ground Pepper – to taste
- 1 tsp. dried Thyme
- Vegetable or EVOO – to cook (or you can use duck fat like I did which is even better)
- Preheat the oven to a low temp like 200 just to keep the fritters warm while cooking.
- Using the largest hole on a box grater, grate potatoes and place into a large bowl. Peel and grate the onion too and add to the potatoes. Add the minced garlic and mix well.
- Transfer to a clean kitchen towel and squeeze out as much liquid as you can (you want the mixture dry). Then place the potato mixture into a clean mixing bowl. Add eggs, flour, salt, pepper & thyme and mix well so it is thoroughly combined.
- Heat oil in a nonstick or cast iron pan over medium heat. Add 2 tbsp. scoops of mixture to the pan and gently press them down to flatten into an irregular looking disk (this gives you crispy edges).
- Cook for 5-6 minutes until golden brown, then flip and cook on the other side until golden brown.
- Transfer to a paper towel lined sheet pan and into the oven to stay warm while you repeat with the remaining fritters. Add more oil as you cook more fritters so they fry up properly.
- Serve the fritters with Chef Crusco’s Duck & Peach glaze. You can also serve them as is with some fresh sour cream and chives. Enjoy!