Recipe created & provided by Chef Crusco Catering in Austin, Texas
- 4 Eggs
- 4 Pieces of Challah Bread – cut into 2 inch thick slices
- 1tbsp. Unsalted butter
- 1 tbsp. EVOO
- Sea Salt and Fresh Pepper
- 1 Bunch Chives – finely chopped for garnish
- Use a 2-inch cookie cutter to cut a hole in the middle of bread. Reserve the circle and toast. Break the eggs into a bowl and set aside.
- Heat a saute pan over med-high heat until hot. Add half butter and half evoo. Place 2 slices of bread into the pan and reduce heat to medium. Cook 2-3 minutes or until golden brown and then flip over.
- Immediately place 2 eggs into each bread hole. Season each egg with some salt & pepper. Cook the eggs in a hole for 2-3 minutes or until the eggs set (use a pan lid or another pan to cover if needed).
- Do the same thing with the other two eggs and slices of bread.
- When done cooking, transfer eggs in a hole to a plate. Garnish with fresh chives and serve with Chef Crusco’s Chocolate Cappuccino. Enjoy!