Recipe created and provided by Chef Crusco Catering in Austin, Texas Ingredients Directions
Tag Archives: summercooking
Recipe created by Chef Crusco Catering in Austin, Texas Ingredients Directions
Recipe created and provided by Chef Crusco Catering in Austin, Texas Ingredients (makes 2 cups roughly) For the Salad Directions
Recipe created & provided by Chef Crusco Catering in Austin, TX Ingredients Directions
Recipe provided by Chef Crusco catering in Austin, Texas Ingredients (Makes 6-8 Servings) 2 ears sweet corn – husks removed and kernels cut 1 tablespoon butter 3 cups heavy cream 1 cup whole milk 1 cup fresh basil (reserve a few leaves for garnish) 8 egg yolks 1 cup granulated sugar 1/2 cup coarse Turbinado